1. Eduart Zimer - The Great Divide
2. Bruno Dölz and Erich Werdermann – On Echinocactus Reichei K. Schum.
3. Eduart Zimer - New Zealand native Peperomia species 24
4. Elton Roberts - To Kill a Mealy Bug / Hot house air movement
5. Xerophilia – A Response to Dr. Pablo Guerrero M.
6. Eduart Zimer - Geoff Etherington, the magical
Aloe master
No. 4 - November 2020
No. 3 - September 2020 https://www.dropbox.com/s/wx81vnzkjzbmq ... 0.pdf?dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer - Satisfying the Crowd!
2. Eduart Zimer - CSSNZ Auckland Show 2019
3. Attila Kapitany - Desert Jewels: the Australian Calandrinia
4. Elton Roberts - Mammillaria caerulea R.T. Craig
5. Eduart Zimer - Ulex europaeus: a wicked trespasser in New Zealand
No. 2 - July 2020 https://www.dropbox.com/s/7jyhfnqv2v2kb ... 0.pdf?dl=0
1. Eduart Zimer – Is Greta Thunberg a modern Jeanne d'Arc?
2. Dr. Phil Maxwell – The Rhipsalis Riddle
3. Elton Roberts – Thelocactus hexaedrophorus
4. Eduart Zimer – Orere Point
No. 1 - May 2020 https://www.dropbox.com/s/udohex6hszkmm ... 0.pdf?dl=0
Eduart Zimer - Why the need for Carpophyma? (A kind of Editorial)
2. Eduart Zimer - Sydney Parkinson: a Quaker in pursuit of botanical explorations
3. Ian Menkins - What are the REAL environmental weeds?
4. Elton Roberts - Turbinicarpus lophophoroides change in growth pattern
5. Eduart Zimer - The Gathering Place (O’ahu Island, Hawaii)